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Kota Metro Tourism: Taqwa Mosque

Taqwa Mosque is located in Metro City, Lampung. It is located beside a Merdeka Park. It is an iconic of Central Lampung Regency. This is occur before the expansion of area which separates Metro City and Central Lampung Regency.

Taqwa Mosque has built on 1967, 21th July. The muslim of Central Lampung Regency built it on their own and legitimated by Minister of Religion Republic Indonesia, K.H. A. Dahlan, on 1969, 23th May. Since it was built, it has renovated in several times but still defend its original build. On 2004, 27th January, H. A. Sajoeti, as Chairman of Religious Foundation and Maintenance of Taqwa Mosque hand over the maintenance of Taqwa Mosque to Metro City Government.
In March, 2013, Metro City Government do total restoration the mosque which causes controversy in the muslim population Metro City. This reconstruction is lasted in two years and legitimated by Minister of Religion Republic Indonesia, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, on 2015, 9 May. An official announcement of the mosque is when he attend the opening ceremony of MTQ to 43th, Lampung, Metro City.

The mosque was built with cost estimate reach 18 billion. It can take in more than 2000 congregation. The size of main building is same as old building, 45×45 m. it is just the new building was built with two floors. The one of room under dome on second floors is used as library and behind of the mosque was built board of mosque office with some room that intended for university student who want to take care of the mosque