Lets Bright Together!

Lampung Tourism: Telaga Putri

The History of swimming pool named telaga putri in seputih banyak sb. 14:
Seputih banyak diveded into some village. It consists of sb. Sb.1 until sb.17. In the sub district as large as Seputih Banyak, there weren’t many the tourism destinations yet. So, a lot of people that wanted to spend their weekend, they have to go out of Seputih Banyak find the vacation destination. Because in the Seputih Banyak just have one tourism destination that was the imitation lake in sb.13 , but the people in that environ met weren’t interest on that place, because it just provided the place for fishing. The teenagers came to that place just to date with their couple and some bad activities.
From that the people there got the idea to make the swimming pool in 2014, that idea come from a family there and they named that swimming pool ‘’Telaga Putri”. It built in sb. 14 seputih banyak they made the swimming pool that can be anjoyed by all of the people there, child, teenager and adult. In that swimming pool also have some playing area like waterboom, the plastic ball, and many more. And it will be more interested to come on the swimming pool on Sunday because there are more playing area. I hope I can go there again.