Way Kambas National Park is a forest ecosystem that is located in the lowlands, where the place is composed of freshwater swamp forests, grasslands and coastal forests. Various plants, growing in this place among which sala, casuarina, by fire and much more. The national park is located on Jl. Raya Labuhan Ratu, Labuhan Ratu sub-district, East Lampung. Although today is identical to the Way Kambas elephant, in this place there are also a variety of mammals among which rhinos, tapirs, gibbons and many more. Rhinos can not only be found in Ujung Kulon, in Way Kambas else you can find. Still, the animal species of Sumatran elephants dominate in the Way Kambas National Park and no wonder if in this place are the Elephant Training Centre.
Animals wild elephants that are deliberately trained to later be used as animals to assist in transportation, attractions, elephant riding or as plow fields. In the elephant training center, you can watch a variety of activities in the training of wild elephants. Moreover, you also can watch the elephant as attractive mine, dancing, playing ball, swimming, respectful and still more attractions lainnya.pusat exercise banyakl elephant in Way Kambas national park is already quite a long established, so do not be surprised if today , the training center has been tamed elephants hundreds of animals. A series of activities is a unique culture and natural beauty have been prepared. Way Kambas Adventure Trail, Fun and Run Way Kambas 10K, Gowesto Way Kambas (Roaming Way Kambas), Fox Hunting Signal Way Kambas, Capture Charm Way Kambas, Sketch Charm Way Kambas, Party Fruit, Culinary Festival, Festival Gift, and a national seminar be rangkain this year the festival activities.