By: Indah Eftanastarini (Researcher in English Education)
Speaking skill is one of four basic language skills that must be mastered by the students. Speaking can help students to communicate with other people, share information, and show their idea. But the fact, many students faced the difficulties mastering this speaking skill. Based on the data pre survey, the problems which had been found can conclude that the students have some difficulties such as the students have low motivation to speak, the students have little vocabulary, the students feel shame to speak English, and etc.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is inspired to conduct a research to show that the use of education game based on computer can be applied increase the students’ speaking ability at the eighth grades. Education game based on computer is one kinds of game that can make students more interest to learn speaking.
This research was conducted at VIII class students that consist of 31 students. The type of this research is Class Room Action Research (CAR) was done in two cycles. Each cycles consisted of plan, action, observation, and reflection. The indicators of this research success are if the teacher got 85% students gain score 65 or more.
At pre-test on cycle I there are 9 students (29.30%) got score 65 or more and at post-test 12 students (38.71%) complete the standard. In cycle II at pre-test 20 students (64.52%) got score 65 or more and 28 students (90.32%) at post-test complete the standard. It means that the result of cycle II has already reached the indicator that is 85% students get score 65 or more. It is clear that education game based on computer be able to increase students’ speaking ability.
Based on observation sheet, it can be known that learning process is increase. At pre-test on cycle I there are 20 students (64.52%) who active in learning process (>70%) and at post test the students who active in learning process increase became 23 students (74.94%). On cycle II at pre-test there are 27 students (87.10%) who active in learning process (>70%) and on post-test the students who active in learning process increase became 29 students (93.55%).
Referring to the research, can conclude that education game based on computer can increase students’ speaking ability at the eighth graders and this media can increase the learning process in the class.